Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Crew Makes the difference!

John Force's Crew
Are you a one person operation or do you have a strong crew behind you?
When looking to build a new business, or even strengthen an existing business, many people think they can do it all alone. Some of them may be able to get it where they would like on their own, but then the job comes in maintaining that business all alone. Where does the income go if they need a vacation, a surgery, or to take an emergency leave of absence?
When my husband began drag racing, we worked together. Sure, he could change the drag slicks, adjust the shocks, empty the car of the tools and equipment needed in case of equipment failure, but if we work together, it took half the time.  When drivers move to the ranks of the pro’s they need a team of professionals to make it work. Can you imagine a top fuel driver or a funny car driver trying to rebuild the engine, pack the shoot, fill the tank, and be back on the track for the next heat, all alone? Of course not!
It’s the same in business. When we have a team working together we get there faster, and if we choose well, we have a lot more fun getting there. We each have different skills and strengths. When we work with people we like and whose skills compliment our own, our organizations and businesses grow much faster. So, potentially, does our income, our free time, and our enjoyment.
Don Naas @ Immokalee Regional Raceway May 6, 2011
I LOVE working with positive professionals who believe in working as a team and in building multiple and passive streams of income; contact me if you would like to see if our crew is a match for where you are looking to finish!

If you’ve got the Drive, we’ve got the Vehicle!

The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers about healthy weight loss & healthful living. Find out what it is really like to live a healthy life, by reading about our company. You’ll get the latest in healthy weight loss and health information, Grease Monkey Marketing promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story about the idea, after all, this site is just for you. You can subscribe to a weekly email newsletter by visiting ourSmart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Use the Right Tool - (Just for fun)

I remember 18 years ago when I was trying to replace the thermostat on my Ford Taurus SHO. (That car was a pain in my tushy!)  Anyway, I was having difficulties getting a cast aluminum part off of the engine, so my friend came out to help... with his BFH (Big Fancy Hammer).  He got that cast aluminum part off, unfortunately in two different pieces. I did eventually forgive him. (He's now my husband.)

This story came to mind this past week as we set out on a long distance drive. I had armed myself with Energy Chews and Energy Tea for the trip and since I was driving the first leg, drank a double dose of the energy tea.  WRONG TOOL! LOL

Energy tea, while providing a very nice energy boost, does seem to contain some sort of diuretic properties - not good when wanting to last for many hours on the road without a pit stop. Silly woman. I did make it three hours into the drive before making the stop, but then switched to Energy Chews for the remainder of the trip.  The RIGHT TOOL for this application.

Please, be sure you have the right tool for the job!

If You've got the Drive, We've got the Vehicle!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Perfect Shine (how to get it)

You've just finished detailing your special ride. Her shine is unbelievable. You proudly cruise through town showing it off.

The products we use on our prized vehicles are chosen carefully to protect that perfect finish. Nothing too harsh and an occasional use of the clay bar to pull out the small imperfections.

It is important that we take the same care with our HUMAN Chassis/Body. Anything we put on our skin is absorbed into our bloodstream and can affect our personal paint job.

We wax our vehicles to protect them from the sun and free radicals--we should care for our own bodies with the same conviction.  We choose to avoid products that contain contaminants and can harm us from the inside out. Do you read what is in your personal care products as carefully as the things you choose for your vehicle? Do you just use whatever you've heard advertised?

I have chosen to use a brand with complimentary lines of products devoted to protecting me and eliminating toxins, rather than just limiting them to "allowable" levels.  Products that work AND make me shine!

TidBit: To remove stubborn bugs from your vehicle: Use Basic H2 in the degreaser dilution. Spray on, wait 2-5 minutes, wipe off.  Safe for you and your clear coat!

If you've got the Drive, We've got the Vehicle.

H2 Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate

The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers about healthy weight loss & healthful living. Find out what it is really like to live a healthy life, by reading about our company. You’ll get the latest in healthy weight loss and health information, Grease Monkey Marketing promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story about the idea, after all, this site is just for you. You can subscribe to a weekly email newsletter by visiting ourSmart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Choosing a Wash - They aren't all the same.

When I was young, it didn't matter what car wash we used. Our cars were just a means of getting from point A to B. As I've matured, I've discovered there is a difference. I no longer use the fun, exciting locations with the giant round brushes because I know those brushes could be hiding a rock or something that could damage my paint. Instead, we choose to hand wash our vehicles with soap chosen specifically to protect the paint, fresh, clean buckets and sponges used only to wash the cars. We pay close attention to protect and baby our car's finish.

I take that same care when choosing the products we use on our own HUMAN Chassis. There are a multitude of products on the shelves. Sources tell us that the average woman uses 12 products a day, and the average man - 6. If I choose 12 products that each have just UNDER the maximum "allowed" of a toxin, then when it is multiplied .9x12= 10.8 TIMES the allowable limit of that toxin.

For this reason our family chooses to use products WITHOUT any of those toxins. Products researched & proven to work while protecting us and environment. Contact me to check out the products used in the Grease Monkey household at

If you've got the Drive, We've got the Vehicle.

Personal Care Products

Hair Care Products

Skin Care Products

Baby Care Products

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Don't scratch my paint job!

As car lovers we are very careful about the paint job.  We teach our daughter that you don't touch vehicles, you don't lean on them and that it is important to pay attention when around them so as to protect that beautiful finish.

I am also very careful about the products I use on my own, personal chassis as well as on the chassis of my daughter.

Here is an 8 minute video talking about some issues facing the personal care issue and the common products many people choose to use.

In July and August, we will be focusing on some of these issues and alternatives to the things seen in this video.

If you've got the Drive, we've got the Vehicle.

Photo provided by Walt Haste, a personal friend and an excellent photographer.  Thank you, Walt!