Saturday, April 30, 2011

Protecting the Paint Job!

Is the Hot sun playing a number on your clear coat?

Is your skin beginning to show your age? What can you do about it?

As car lovers, living in Florida is a dream come true for us! No winters full of salted, icy roads, no freeze and thaw on the paint job of our favorite vehicles…it’s great! However, the hot, strong sun can do a number on the car’s clear-coat if we don’t take steps to protect it.

Example: Your beautiful paint job spends most days in the sun while you’re at work. One day, you notice a few bubbles in the clear coat and a few weeks later you notice the bubbles flaking and peeling. Worst case scenario we see the beginnings of some rust. What do we do? We take major steps to protect that chassis and protect our investment by keeping them looking good.

Our face and skin is the same! With some basic maintenance, our own paint jobs will look great and healthier. I’ve discovered a great line of products that have reversed my own signs of aging. (Just ask my husband!)

As I came around the corner of turning 40 I noticed a little change in my own paint job and decided to do something about it. After six months of using these products I have been mistaken for my late 20’s frequently! Now I may be a little immature, but still I am taking that as a compliment and think my skin must looks great!

And what’s really great is this line of skin care is under the umbrella of the same products I use for taking care of my home and taking care of the inside of my body. Its a complementary brand.

As a part of the service to our clients, this month we are focusing on the benefits of our skin care line with this batch of products you can see the benefits.

Whether your issue is sun damage, sensitive skin, or just general maintenance, the right products can make all the difference in the world!

As a part of the service to our customers to be sure they get the benefits of the full line of products we are focusing on the Enfuselle line of products.

The complete system protects your skin from sun damage, sun spots, and even reduces wrinkles! Would you like to begin looking younger than older, like me? Give it a try for six months and see why I love them! If your spending money on department store brands, I guarantee you will save money on these products and see definite results!


If you've got the Drive, we've got the Vehicle!

The Skinny Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers about healthy weight loss & maintaining their human engine. Find out what it is really like to live a healthy life, by reading about our findings and discoveries. You’ll get the latest in healthy weight loss and health information, Grease Monkey Marketing promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story about the idea, after all, this site is just for you. You can subscribe to a weekly email newsletter by visiting our Smart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Is Engine Sludge Slowing your body down?

Just as your car’s engine can become bogged down from years of engine sludge building, your human engine may be suffering from a similar malady.

As obesity rates skyrocket throughout the US, it has been discovered that another contributing factor to this phenomena would be toxins! They leave our blood stream and find a home in our fat stores – thus engine sludge.

“Scientific evidence shows that certain chemicals block our hormones and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Known “endocrine-disrupting” chemicals, this class of toxins includes PCBs, DDT, dioxin, some pesticides, and many plasticizers, like BPA. These chemicals play an important role in the global epidemic of obesity. Dr. Bruce Blumberg, professor of developmental and cell biology and pharmaceutical sciences at the University of California in Irvine believes there’s evidence that industrial pollutants are contributing to America's obesity epidemic. Dr. Blumberg calls those chemicals “obesogens.” (Jose Bravo – Obesity & Chemicals: A matter of Environmental Justice, March 11, 2011)

One specific example that I would like to discuss today is Phthalates. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals that may be linked to obesity and other diseases: Phthalates are plasticizers found in PVC tubing, plastic, cosmetics, shampoos, soaps, lotions, lubricants, paint, pesticides, fragrances and more. One recent study linked a type of phthalate that leaches into processed food with abdominal obesity and insulin resistance in men.

We surround ourselves with them, we slather them all over our body as if they will provide us with the perfect wax job and a showroom shine, however, they are killing us from the outside in.

As science has proven, anything we rub on our skin enters our blood stream within 90 seconds. (That’s why we have so many patches for things these days.) So if we cover ourselves in phthalates and wait 90 seconds, we’ve basically filled our body with these toxins.

One way to begin cleaning your human engine from that sludge is to eliminate your exposure to those toxins.

Just as Castrol GTX can begin to clean that sludge out of your vehicle's engine, a few simple changes in the products you use, personally, can begin cleaning out your human engine!

I am grateful to have found such products that are always safe, always work, and are always green.

When you are ready to discuss which alternatives could be right for you, contact me via e-mail or give me a call!

If you’ve got the Drive, we’ve got the Vehicle!

The Skinny Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers about healthy weight loss & maintaining their human engine. Find out what it is really like to live a healthy life, by reading about our findings and discoveries. You’ll get the latest in healthy weight loss and health information, Grease Monkey Marketing promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story about the idea, after all, this site is just for you. You can subscribe to a weekly email newsletter by visiting our Smart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The BEST birthday present ever!

The sun wasn't even up yet. First morning light was coming in through the sliders in the bedroom. I can hear the pitter-pat of her little feet as she runs from her room to ours. I force my eyes open to see her big hazel eyes sparkling in the darkness, the biggest smile ever, and to hear her say, in a whisper, "Happy Birthday Mommy!" My heart just melted. I reached over to wrap my arms around her and pulled her up onto the bed with us and she completely abandoned all resistance and melted into a full body hug with mommy! Thank you, Daddy, for giving me this perfect gift, four years ago. And for the athletic gear to wear when training for this 60 mile walk and to support my goal of being in better shape! I love my family and I am BLESSED!

The Skinny Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers about healthy weight loss & healthful living. Find out what it is really like to live a healthy life, by reading about our company. You’ll get the latest in healthy weight loss and health information, Grease Monkey Marketing promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story about the idea, after all, this site is just for you. You can subscribe to a weekly email newsletter by visiting our Smart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It’s nice to have hips, and energy, again!

It’s been almost 4 years since the last time I was over 200 pounds, but I can still remember what it felt like. More than 4 years ago, I remember what it felt like 12 years ago, when I was over 200 pounds. (Lifeless and useless)

I remember having no energy, being miserable and feeling as if I was always depriving myself when I tried to lose weight. I tried the grapefruit diet, the cabbage diet, the South Beach diet, and many others. I would lose a few pounds, or even 20, then gain it back. After a week or two, if I lasted that long, I would become frustrated and give up because I felt as if I was missing out on the things I loved!

Each time I began to lose weight, I noticed my energy levels dropping until I would give up on the “diet of the month” and would gain back what I had lost plus some. No FUN riding the yo-yo.

After my last jump to 200+ pounds and my daughter was born, I began using the Cinch program and was so surprised at my fast weight loss! I discovered I had more energy than ever! The weight began dropping off at a steady rate, but more than that my clothes began dropping off, literally. I needed a belt to hold up pants that had fit before the pregnancy!

Tonight, I was playing with my 4 year old in the living room. I was using the hula-hoop and she was bouncing a balloon of it while I twirled it around my waist. I kept that hoop going through the whole length of my favorite song, “I’ve Got a Feeling” by the Black Eyed Peas.

My husband really enjoys my newly defined hips, but I was excited to be able to hula like I did when I was young!

If you would like to have hips and energy again, contact me, so we can get you staged & off and racing!

If you’ve got the Drive, We’ve got the Vehicle!
If you aim for nothing, you will achieve it with accuracy!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Nightinggale - We become what we think about.
I have a challenge for you! What change are you making?

A challenge!

Breast cancer effects 1 out of 4 women! It's a statistic, a number, a fact! If you sit for dinner with 3 of your closest girlfriends, 1 of you will be affected by cancer! What can we do to make a difference?

My mother is a 10 year survivor.

In 2004 I walked in at Susan G. Komen, 3-day, 60 mile walk. I I walked in the Michigan 3-day with my best friend from childhood. She and I committed to the event, raised the funds, and pushed each other on through days 2 & 3 when we each took turns wanting to stop.

In 2005 I decided to again push myself and I walked in the Tampa 3-day. While the Michigan walk caused me no blisters, the Tampa walk ended up in the middle of a monsoon! Blisters galore! :-) A small price to pay to work toward a cure of this horrible disease! During the walk, I met a new friend, who's mother is also a survivor. We again supported and motivated each other to the end.

These events changed my life! I discovered I could push past the pain and that there is something greater than my own needs and feelings.

A few weeks ago, I lost a sorority sister to Breast Cancer. She was 39 - she didn't even make it to her baseline mammogram! A day or two after her passing, I committed to yet another 3-day! I will be walking in the Tampa 3-day again this coming October 28-30th. I won't be doing it alone. My friend Tammy, from the first Tampa 3-day will join me as will my high school friend, Julie.

I feel very blessed to know that we will be taking on this challenge together to help motivate and support each other through this.

My utmost prayer is that we can figure out how to PREVENT this disease, so we don't need a cure!

My challenge to you is to make ONE lifestyle change this month that will improve your health and wellbeing. That change could be as simple as adding an additional fruit or veggie exchange to your daily diet to thinking more possitive thoughts on a continuous basis.

I would love for you to post what you choose to accept as your personal challenge to improving your life! - My change for this month is to begin training for my 3-day and to make it a regular occurance - I started with a 7 mile walk this morning!