Friday, December 30, 2011

Send the Monkey Home!

Send that Blasted Monkey Home!

The Holidays are over, the stress of the perfect gift, 10 Holiday parties to attend in a single weekend, decorating, putting decorations away, and just general over stressing is over.  It is time to take a deep breath and begin working on easing the stress from within ourselves.

We've covered that stress is a complex response in our body, that it causes many hormonal changes, and can slow the metabolism & cause fat content to increase.  

Stress won't go away... until ya die... so ya might as well embrace it and begin compensating for it.  

Whether we are stressed because of crazy amounts of stress at work or we are really in danger, our bodies respond like we are about to be harmed, we need to fight for our lives. To answer this need we experience a burst of energy, shifts in metabolism and blood flow and other changes.

If we remain in this state for a prolonged period of time due to chronic stress our health becomes at risk. Aside from a host of other dangers, chronic health stress also causes weight gain.

How do we send that Monkey Home???

Begin looking for ways to eliminate stress.  Will it matter a year, 5 years, 10 years from now?

My mother used to drive us out to a rural area, roll down the windows and we would scream as loud as we could to release the stress.

My father would wait until there was a sheet of ice or a snow fall and we would go do donuts in the large, EMPTY, church parking lot.

Research shows that even 30 seconds a day of meditation, quiet reflection, can have a significant impact on our health!  Lock your self in the bathroom and choose a mantra to repeat to yourself.

If you look for nothing but the bad things in life, that is all you will ever find and you will continue to be stressed OUT!  Look for one tiny good thing...then another...and another.  If you hate your job, and they are paying you... isn't the fact that you are being paid a positive?  :)

Laugh it off!  Look for silly things to laugh at, NOT people...(unless they are clowns) things.

This week, choose one of your main stress causing events, decide if it is really worth all the pain and suffering you are allowing it to cause, add some B Complex to your diet, and breathe.  Count to 10 as you breathe in, then count to 10 as you breathe out for 5-10 times. Close your eyes and imagine paradise - even if it's doing donuts in the church parking lot!

If you've got the Drive,
we've got the Vehicle!

The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers who are smart about Nutrition & what they put in & surround their body with, passionate about protecting our environment, and are committed to supporing local entrepreneurs. Those who are about healthy weight loss & dynamic living. If you would like to find out what it is like to live a healthy life, we invite you to explore our product line or find out more about our services. Grease Monkey Marketing promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story, after all, this site is just for you. You can find out more about our products by visiting our online storeand/or subscribe to an email newsletter by visiting our Smart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Playing with the Monkey?

Stress is still our Monkey.

The first thing we need to do is identify what is causing our stress. We did that last week.  This week, lets pinpoint what our reaction to that stress. How is it we are playing with and training that monkey?

In a former life, my answer was to eat, nonstop, and to drink heavily. I thought it was helping my stress, but later learned it was intensifying my problems and my situation. I ended up on six different prescription medications, each causing different side effects which seemed to be compounding my already complicated situation.  

I would forget about my issues when drunk, however when I would sober up, the problems would be multiplied as would my depression. I was having difficulties handling the stresses handed to me and by compounding those stresses it was not getting any better. :-(  Even when I began walking 6 miles a day, 4 days a week, I was not losing much, if any, weight.  My energy levels were dropping, I was spiraling out of control.  I thank good friends, family, and my Church for pulling me out of that situation and getting me back on the road to healthier choices. I had to retrain myself how to deal with the monkey and in which lanes to keep driving.

Stress was affecting all aspects of my life and I wasn't dealing with the "check engine" lights that kept flashing.  I needed to look at what methods I was using to deal with the stresses of life, determine if they were healthy coping mechanisms and change course if I found myself off track.


Common methods for dealing with stress:
  • Cravings for Sweets and/or Salty Foods
  • Emotional Eating (absently munching for something to do)
  • Social Eating (eating with friends to overcome the stress)
  • Nervous Energy (biting fingernails, grinding teeth, etc.)
  • Stuffing Emotions (eating to quiet uncomfortable emotions)
  • Drinking (to numb the overwhelming feelings)
Although I will not address drinking in my posts, it does add to calories and overall body chemistry, causing things to work differently and less efficiently.

Psychologist Connie Lillas uses a driving analogy to describe the three most common ways people respond when they're overwhelmed by stress:

  • Foot on the gas - An angry or agitated stress response. You're heated, keyed up, overly emotional, and unable to sit still.
  • Foot on the brake - A withdrawn or depressed stress response. You shut down, space out, and show very little energy or emotion.
  • Foot on both - A tense and frozen stress response. You "freeze" under pressure and can't do anything. You look paralyzed, but under the surface you're extremely agitated.

This week I want to focus on discovering what my response to those stress triggers are.  Am I reaching for a bag of chips or chocolate chip cookies to keep moving and stay sane or am I chewing my fingernails to the quick in an attempt keep myself aligned and functioning in society. Then, am I driving with my foot on the gas, my foot on the brake or a foot on both?

If you've got the Drive, we've got the Vehicle!
Thank you, Walt Haste, for this photo!
The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers who are smart about Nutrition & what they put in & surround their body with, passionate about protecting our environment, and are committed to supporing local entrepreneurs. Those who are about healthy weight loss & dynamic living. If you would like to find out what it is like to live a healthy life, we invite you to explore our product line or find out more about our services. Grease Monkey Marketing promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story, after all, this site is just for you. You can find out more about our products by visiting our online storeand/or subscribe to an email newsletter by visiting our Smart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Where did that Monkey Come From?

Our monkey, in this case, will be stress!

Where does that darn monkey come from anyway? Some causes come from our environment while others come from within.  Our first step in combatting stress is to determine where it is coming from, identify the source and then decide what action can be taken.

Common external causes of stress

  • Major life changes
  • Work
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Financial problems
  • Being too busy
  • Children and family
  • Illness personally or in the family

Common internal causes of stress

  • Inability to accept uncertainty
  • Pessimism
  • Negative self-talk
  • Unrealistic expectations
  • Perfectionism
  • Lack of assertiveness
Stress has a direct relation to our weight! When our body reaches the fight or flight state the stress hormones, including Cortisol are released and the body begins changing. Prolonged state of stress alters the way the body responds to what we eat, what we do, and how we respond to things.

This week, I'd like to focus on what my particular stress triggers are.  List out, on paper, perhaps in a journal, where you know your stresses are coming from.  If you are not sure, think about it, and pay close attention to the things that get your heart RACING!  

In coming weeks we will begin to look at these triggers and what reactions are normal, healthy, and unhealthy.

If you've got the Drive, we've got the Vehicle.
Built by my loving husband. :-)

The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers who are smart about Nutrition & what they put in & surround their body with, passionate about protecting our environment, and are committed to supporing local entrepreneurs. Those who are about healthy weight loss & dynamic living. If you would like to find out what it is like to live a healthy life, we invite you to explore our product line or find out more about our services. Grease Monkey Marketing promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story, after all, this site is just for you. You can find out more about our products by visiting our online storeand/or subscribe to an email newsletter by visiting our Smart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Merry Stressful Christmas!

Life on its own can be   is stressful. Add in the expectation of a perfect Christmas, decorating, gifts under the tree for everyone, gifts to ship to those long distance, gifts for the unexpected givers, multiple family parties on the actual day, cooking for the masses, baking for the masses, kids recitals, sporting events, and parties and the stress begins to mount.  Then we begin to think about what the gifts, the food, the parties will cost us, come January, when the bills come in and the weight we gained from all the Holiday party foods and we have...


In 1999 I was in a similar situation. Many things around me were changing: marital status, new home, lost 2 dogs, no money, I moved, and I went back to school.  My therapist told me, "if you add one more stress inducing situation, I'll shoot you" LOL - I was young and dumb back then, so I took a job 45 minutes away from the university. :-)  I also moved away from the therapist.  I survived, but I also surged to over 200 pounds. Those 60 extra pounds were horrible, took a great toll on my health and were so difficult to shed. It wasn't until 2007 when I was able to finally drop those stress induced pounds (55) and keep them off.

I'll be doing a series of posts on stress and weight management as we head into the new year. Join me, and share with your friends!  I want my story and success to help inspire and encourage others to get behind the wheel, take control and to begin improving their own lives, just as my life and health have improved.

In today's 
world  it is so easy
 to become overly stressed,  
chronically stressed, and it has 
MANY horrible effects. 
 I've heard some say, "you can't get rid of the stress."  
But what if you can eliminate some, control some, and change 
the way you see the rest?
Stress levels have become such a HUGE issue in the American society 
that our health is now being effected.
As we finish out 2011 and drive like there is no tomorrow toward 2012, 
I would like to take a look at STRESS
and how, with help,
nutritional support,
and determination
we can control IT!

Merry Christmas!

If you've got the Drive, we've got the Vehicle!

The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers who are smart about Nutrition & what they put in & surround their body with, passionate about protecting our environment, and are committed to supporing local entrepreneurs. Those who are about healthy weight loss & dynamic living. If you would like to find out what it is like to live a healthy life, we invite you to explore our product line or find out more about our services. Grease Monkey Marketing promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story, after all, this site is just for you. You can find out more about our products by visiting our online storeand/or subscribe to an email newsletter by visiting our Smart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Here's the Skinny for Clean Homes!

My gift to you!

Now that we know toxins contribute to the stress our bodies are under, lets look as some alternatives so that we may remove at least one stress from our lives. (or maybe even two)

During the Christmas and Holiday season everyone wants you to spend more money to buy more things for everyone else!  What if changing brands meant you would spend LESS in the next year on all of your cleaning products?  I would like to introduce you to some alternatives to what you may be using now that could cut your cleaning supply bills while affording you the same 'get 'er done' abilities!

I visited our local Publix store today to do some comparison shopping.  I am sharing my findings.

I went in and chose some specific products that tend to be favorites, I priced them and then I took a photo of each of the groups so that I could share my findings here.

Thank you, Publix, for allowing me to work from your store!


Murphys oil soap - $3.79 22 oz
Windex - $3.29 26 oz
Spot shot - $4.29 14 oz
Simple Green $3.99. 22 oz
Glass Plus $2.49 32 oz
Fantasyic Lemon $2.79. 32oz
S-32 spot remover $2.19 16oz
409 degreaser $3.49 32 oz

Total for this lot = $26.32

My Choice is:  BASIC H2 (household)

 This one bottle of concentrated Basic H will do everything the bottles up top do, without the TOXIC BREW. Just dilute the concentrate with your own water in these handy spray bottles.

Whats better than that?  It's price.
  Window cleaner = $0.02 per gallon
  Multipurpose      = $0.23 per gallon
  Degreaser           = $0.69 per gallon

PLUS: If your kids or pets get hold of it, you don't have to worry about their being poisoned.  It puts far fewer junk in the landfills, and is all natural and renewable.
AND - H2 gets sharpie off walls & dog snot circles off windows, floors, and furniture. :-)


Tilex daily shower cleaner - $2.79 32oz
Lysol spray w/ bleach $3.99 32oz
Lysol toilet bowl $2.29 24oz
Scrb bbls tablets $2.39 2 tablets
Febreeze $5.29 27oz
Clorox clean up Bleach $3.50 32oz
7th generation disinfectant-$3.49 26oz

Total for this lot = $23.74

My Choice is: Basic G (germicide)

At $0.23 per gallon, this powerhouse can't be beat.  Used in USDA inspected food processing facilities and schools, it is strong enough for your own home.  This wonderful germicide is also a cleaner that does a fabulous job.


The Last 36 seconds provide an amazing offer.
Contact me for more details.

I gave my family and myself this gift almost 5 years ago and have never regretted it for a minute.

If you've got the Drive, we've got the Vehicle!

The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers who are smart about Nutrition & what they put in & surround their body with, passionate about protecting our environment, and are committed to supporing local entrepreneurs. Those who are about healthy weight loss & dynamic living. If you would like to find out what it is like to live a healthy life, we invite you to explore our product line or find out more about our services. Grease Monkey Marketing promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story, after all, this site is just for you. You can find out more about our products by visiting our online storeand/or subscribe to an email newsletter by visiting our Smart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Little Dirt on Fat!

Is cleaning your house making you fat?  

We know that stress can contribute to weight gain. Can cleaning your home cause that stress? If the products you use contain dangerous chemicals, it very well could be contributing.

Exposing our bodies to toxins in the home contributes to stress on the body. Stress causes metabolic and hormonal responses in the body that can cause the body to make more or hold onto FAT (adipose tissues).

This month we want to take a look at those household cleaners and alternatives that could help prevent some of those stresses on the body.  (Not only that it could save you a lot of money... in the cost of your cleaning supplies AND in trips to the doctor's office.)

Many environmental toxins in fat can contribute to obesity, diabetes and cancer as well as many other diseases common today.

What many people seem to be surprised by is that toxins are in fact stored in the body, in the fat. To eliminate the source of some of these toxins begins to make the body healthier, allowing it to function properly and combat the other day-to-day stresses.  Eliminating causes of stress, lowers the amount of cortisol released into the body, reducing the "fat building" mechanisms.

Look for our stories this month explaining these mechanisms and offering easy, inexpensive options.

If you've got the Drive, we've got the Vehicle.

The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers who are smart about Nutrition & what they put in & surround their body with, passionate about protecting our environment, and are committed to supporing local entrepreneurs. Those who are about healthy weight loss & dynamic living. If you would like to find out what it is like to live a healthy life, we invite you to explore our product line or find out more about our services. Grease Monkey Marketing promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story, after all, this site is just for you. You can find out more about our products by visiting our online storeand/or subscribe to an email newsletter by visiting our Smart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas Stress is making me fat!

Stress and weight gain can be directly related. 

As we head into the Christmas and Holiday season, many people find themselves under greater stress.  To the everyday stress of work, family, home, bills, life, we add the stresses of what gifts to get, how to afford them, to get the decorations up, travel to see family - sometimes multiple locations to juggle, hosting family in our homes, and worrying about fixing the perfect meal for all those guests, and then how to pay for all those gifts we charged on our credit card.

A perfect combination for hitting the wall of stress and weight gain.  No wonder Santa has so much visceral fat, with all the stress of all those children and to not get the gifts mixed up.

What does stress have to do with weight gain? There are several ways that stress can contribute. 1 has to do with cortisol, a stress hormone.

When we are under stress the fight or flight response is triggered in our bodies, leading to the release of various hormones. Whether we are stressed because of crazy amounts of stress at work or we are really in danger, our bodies respond like we are about to be harmed, we need to fight for our lives. To answer this need we experience a burst of energy, shifts in metabolism and blood flow and other changes.

If we remain in this state for a prolonged period of time due to chronic stress our health becomes at risk. Aside from a host of other dangers, chronic health stress also causes weight gain.

Take a break this Christmas season. Remember to take time for yourself, time to relax, time to look at the big picture, and time to reflect, (in 5 years will this really matter).  Pay attention to prevention, give your waistline and your health a break.

Some options to help reduce that stress and help your waistline.

  • Take a walk or get some exercise
  • Take 30 seconds a day to meditate
  • Try a high quality B Complex supplement
  • Deep breathing to relax your body (work up to a count of 20 inhale, count of 20 exhale)
  • Eat a healthy diet to counteract the stresses on the body (Complete Multi-vitamin)
  • Make an effort to get more sleep (try a dose of Calcium Magnesium at bedtime)
  • Eat plenty of high quality protein to ensure the energy needed to keep up with Holiday schedules.
Enjoy your Christmas season, and remember...

If you've got the Drive, we've got the Vehicle.

It may NOT be the Holiday eating making you fat!

With Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas on the horizon, many of us begin to think about how much weight those big meals will cause us to gain.  But what was NOT the big meal on that important day that causes us to gain the weight?

I've recently been talking with many people who were not aware that eating too few calories can cause you to pack on the pounds, almost as easily as when we eat too many calories.

The problems arise the day AFTER a big meal when many people decide to starve themselves to counteract all the calories consumed the day before.

Let me show you what I mean here.  

When we consume that awesome Holiday meal, we are at the Feast Response on this diagram. We are eating MORE calories than our body can metabolize.  When I don't eat enough calories the next day or next few days, I am then at the Diet location. Too few calories send my body into famine response and my body begins to hang onto every single calorie I eat. THE METABOLISM SLOWS DOWN.

The challenge arises when we go back to our normal eating patterns and our metabolism has slowed down from the previous decrease in caloric intake.  Add in stress of the Holidays and you have a perfect storm of weight gain!

This year after your feast, don't fast, take a walk or start a new family tradition of an aerobic activity to burn off some of those extra calories. Try drinking 2 glasses of water before you begin eating your feast for an added assistance in maintaining your healthy weight.

If you've got the Drive,
We've got the Vehicle!  

The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers who are smart about Nutrition & what they put in & surround their body with, passionate about protecting our environment, and are committed to supporing local entrepreneurs. Those who are about healthy weight loss & dynamic living. If you would like to find out what it is like to live a healthy life, we invite you to explore our product line or find out more about our services. Grease Monkey Marketing promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story, after all, this site is just for you. You can find out more about our products by visiting our online storeand/or subscribe to an email newsletter by visiting our Smart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Check your Fluid Levels!

Luckily, our HUMAN engines don't require us to pop the cap on the radiator and avoid hot steam to check our fluid levels.

What are some signs that your fluid levels are low?

  • Swollen Hands & Feet
  • Constipation 
  • Retaining Fluids
  • Feeling Hungry
  • Feeling Thirsty
  • Decreased Urine Output
  • Headache
  • Dizziness 
Avoid these symptoms!  

Drink your minimum quantities of water per day. I know you know what that is, but I will repeat it for you anyway. :-)

1/2 your body weight in pounds = the number of ounces per day of WATER you should be consuming.

When you have an ample amount of water coursing through your system, everything works better and your system is less likely to Lock Up.  Just as our car's engine can overheat and lock up if we don't keep fluids in there, so can our human engine.  That's why we get swollen hands & feet & constipation - our system is locking up what little water IS available to protect itself.

While there are other factors to preventing dehydration, adequate water intake is number 1.

Now, go pour yourself a big, tasty glass of filtered water, and feel good knowing you love yourself and are taking good care of yourself!

If you've got the Drive, we've got the Vehicle!

The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers who are smart about Nutrition & what they put in & surround their body with, passionate about protecting our environment, and are committed to supporing local entrepreneurs. Those who are about healthy weight loss & dynamic living. If you would like to find out what it is like to live a healthy life, we invite you to explore our product line or find out more about our services. Grease Monkey Marketing promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story, after all, this site is just for you. You can find out more about our products by visiting our online storeand/or subscribe to an email newsletter by visiting our Smart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Weight Management Assistance for Pennies a Day

Every day, people's bodies are surrounded by and immersed in toxins.  They are slathered on the skin, in the hair, they are inhaled as most people clean their homes, and they are ingested.  There are times when I cannot control what my environmental surroundings contain, but I can almost ALWAYS control the ability to flush them from my system.

By drinking adequate amounts of water, my body is able to eliminate the toxins I inhale, the toxins that are absorbed through my skin, and the toxins I ingest from different food or beverage choices. 

Keep in mind I want the water I am using to flushing my system to be as pure and clean as possible - garbage in - garbage out. 

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, public water utilities have violated the Safe Drinking Water Act more than 700,000 times in the past seven years.  

Turning to bottled waters? - Unlike public water utilities, the bottled water industry is not required to 
publicly disclose the results of any contaminant testing it conducts. Bottled water may not be contaminant free. The EWG found a total of 38 contaminants in the water of 10 popular brands.

 Fort this reason I have chosen the Get Clean Water System for our home.  It filters two times as much water per filter as competitors, The filter has less to throw away, and the system is certified to remove 2-3 times more contaminants than those same competitors.

To learn a bit more, feel free to check out this video - Get Clean Water Video.

If you've got the Drive, We've got the Vehicle. 

The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers who are smart about Nutrition & what they put in & surround their body with, passionate about protecting our environment, and are committed to supporing local entrepreneurs. Those who are about healthy weight loss & dynamic living. If you would like to find out what it is like to live a healthy life, we invite you to explore our product line or find out more about our services. Grease Monkey Marketing promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story, after all, this site is just for you. You can find out more about our products by visiting our online storeand/or subscribe to an email newsletter by visiting our Smart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What I wear to work...or not.

Me, under the blazer during
engine rebuild.

When going to work, it is important to have your business face on and FEEL like you are going to work. When I'm not out under a vehicle or helping Tim rework something in the engine, I like to look the part. Proper framework for my attire assists me in looking and feeling the part.

Recently, I realized it was time to rework the wardrobe.  Having lost 55 pounds and toned, (Per Phil at Rotary, "you literally, walked your a$$ off")  I needed to look for a good framework for my business attire.  Since Silk Boxers won't cut it under my dresses, I've gone out to purchase my new business panties.

Grease Monkey Marketing is committed to helping others rebuild their lifestyle & diet to one that reduces their chances of acquiring debilitating diseases and increases their quality of life.

Our customers are smart about their health, they search for wisdom from nature before the reach for Over the counter drugs or prescriptions. They are passionate about creating a non-toxic environment for themselves and their families, and they are fussy about ingredients in whatever they consume.  They are committed to investing in prevention and education so they can reserve the meds and MD visits for the critical care and emergencies. And support other local entrepreneurs.

I want to live on the lead lap, to have an outrageously healthy wonderful life & stay on the road to better health. I believe that through education, information, and support it can be possible for others too. Are you ready to get on the lead lap in your life too. 

Are you ready to go out, get healthier, and get yourself some business boxers? Would you or someone you know like to slim down to a healthier physique or perhaps fatten their wallet with an additional  stream of income?  Give me a holler and we can see if what Grease Monkey Marketing has to offer is a match for those needs.

If you've got the drive, We've got the vehicle
to get you a new foundation for a better looking rear end!

The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers who are smart about Nutrition & what they put in & surround their body with, passionate about protecting our environment, and are committed to supporing local entrepreneurs. Those who are about healthy weight loss & dynamic living. If you would like to find out what it is like to live a healthy life, we invite you to explore our product line or find out more about our services. Grease Monkey Marketing promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story, after all, this site is just for you. You can find out more about our products by visiting our online storeand/or subscribe to an email newsletter by visiting our Smart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

What a difference Good Nutrition Makes!

In 2004 & 2005 I participated in the Susan G. Komen 3-day, 60-mile walks.  Michigan in '04 & Tampa in '05. My interview on the 3-day

I trained vigorously for both of these walks, however, at the end of the 2nd day on each of these events, my knees were in HORRIBLE shape. I continued to finish each of these walks on the 3rd day and it was a serious struggle.  After completion it took weeks to recover, and even a trip to the doctor to be sure my knees would be okay after the '05 event.

Needless to say I took a few years off.  This past spring, I lost a ZTA sister to breast cancer at the age of 39. She left behind two children & her adoring husband.  I decided it was time to again venture out and complete another 60-mile walk.  I trained the same, for the most part, but ONE main thing was different.  (maybe 2 - I am now 41 years old, six-years older than the last time I walked.)

My nutrition regimen has changed in the last 4 years.  I now take multi-vitamins and a daily protein supplement as well. I focused on using a Sports Nutrition line that is preferred by many Olympic athletes.  At the event, I chose to consume meal bars, snack bars, & a recovery drink after each day's mileage.  By the end of day two, my muscles were tight, but my knees and other joints felt GREAT!

On day three of this event, just last weekend, I started out around 100th in line and finished among the top 50 people, out of 1500.  I felt GREAT when I finished.

I am amazed that upon returning home I was ready to wash all the laundry & put everything from the event away.  There was no need to sit and ice various joints and muscles!

I do thank Heather Lloyd LMT for her massage on Monday and Gindele Family Chiropractic for my adjustment on Tuesday as I know this assists my body in recovery as well, but my biggest thank you, health wise, goes to Betsey Lunsford of Wild Treasures who introduced me to these phenomenal products.  I am pleased to be representing such a fabulous company.

If you are interested in feeling as GREAT as I do or in the products I consume on a daily basis as well as those I use for training, contact me.

If you've got the drive, We've got the vehicle!

The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers who are smart about Nutrition & what they put in & surround their body with, passionate about protecting our environment, and are committed to supporing local entrepreneurs. Those who are about healthy weight loss & dynamic living. If you would like to find out what it is like to live a healthy life, we invite you to explore our product line or find out more about our services. Grease Monkey Marketing promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story, after all, this site is just for you. You can find out more about our products by visiting our online storeand/or subscribe to an email newsletter by visiting our Smart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November - Water Month!

Happy November!
Thanksgiving is just around the corner with turkeys and trimmings and time with friends and family.  Don't forget the football, or the water. When maintaining or working to attain, a healthy weight, water is an important part.

As we enter into the Holiday season it is so important that I continue to keep my water intake up. When I exercise and play in hot weather it is easy to remember, however, when I lived in a colder, winter climate it was also vital to increase that water intake as the dry air saps it from my skin & respiration.

In the next couple of weeks I will look at Water & Weight Loss, Toxins & Weight Loss & the Roll Water Plays, and finally, Clean Water - What is it and How do I get it?

For now, grab a nice big glass of cool, clear water and chug a-lug!!

If you've got the Drive, We've got the Vehicle!

The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers who are smart about Nutrition & what they put in & surround their body with, passionate about protecting our environment, and are committed to supporing local entrepreneurs. Those who are about healthy weight loss & dynamic living. If you would like to find out what it is like to live a healthy life, we invite you to explore our product line or find out more about our services. Grease Monkey Marketing promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story, after all, this site is just for you. You can find out more about our products by visiting our online store and/or subscribe to an email newsletter by visiting our Smart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.