Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What's under your paint? Is Improper Nutrition Showing Thru?

Sad Blazer Hood needs repainted AGAIN
 My hubby's first attempt at automotive painting looked GREAT when he brought it home, however recently it has shown us the foundation was not properly prepared!

As a young adult, many of us abused our bodies and didn't care for them as we should. Nutrition wasn't a concern at that point.  Now that we are beginning to show a little age, the paint is beginning to peel away from weather changes & an improper foundation. (diet/nutrition)

Photo by Uncle Walt
Had the proper conditions been met, our dear mud vehicle would still look pretty & teal. Just like this beautiful Mustang being cared for - beautiful paint job & protection from the elements.

As far as our own bodies and paint jobs, is it too late to undo the damage we've already done?  The lack of proper nutrition or abuse that is the underlying factor of our current conditions.

Here are a few scientific facts that let us know its not too late.

  • You build a trillion cells a day by what you eat.
  • It takes 19 vitamins & minerals, and 9 amino acids with a perfect protein to build a perfect cell.
  • Even if you miss one (1) nutrient, then you are building imperfect cells for 7 days.
  • These defective cells will promote the development of degenerative diseases.
  • YOU are the only one who can do something about it!
Thank you, 'Uncle Walt' Haste for keepin an eye out for us!

If you are ready to do something about it,
we would like to work with you!

If you've got the Drive, we've got the Vehicle.

The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers about healthy weight loss & healthful living. Find out what it is really like to live a healthy life, by reading about our company. You’ll get the latest in healthy weight loss and health information, Grease Monkey Marketing promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story about the idea, after all, this site is just for you. You can subscribe to an email newsletter by visiting our Smart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Daily Driver Checklist (And new info!)

I was taught, early on, that it was important to check a few things before I drove my car each day.

Check the tire pressure, check the fuel gauge, check that no service lights came on.

Our HUMAN engines are the same. DAILY we need to provide a complete supplement, complete proteins, fibers, fats, etc. Many medical organizations are strongly recommending a daily maintenance supplement. (American Cancer Society, American Academy of Pediatrics, Linus Pauling Institute & others) Research says that 95% of Americans are NOT getting their servings of antioxidants on a daily basis. (fruits & veggies)

Our family chooses a daily maintenance plan referred to by many as the "Prescription for a Healthier Life". It provides for the building of healthy replacement cells and boosts our immune system to protect us from any exposure to potential illnesses. (Video is about 4 minutes)

Shaklee Videos: New and Improved Vitalizersup™/sup

We are working on a "Toolbox" page, where you can locate information on these products, and other tools we prefer to keep on hand, with a single click.

My Husband's Baby!

If you've got the Drive, we've got the Vehicle!

The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers about healthy weight loss & healthful living. Find out what it is really like to live a healthy life, by reading about our company. You’ll get the latest in healthy weight loss and health information, Grease Monkey Marketing promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story about the idea, after all, this site is just for you. You can subscribe to an email newsletter by visiting our Smart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Engine Running Rough

When we finished assembling the blazer engine, all looked good.  Everything was plugged in the right places. The truck had fuel, but when we started it up it ran SO rough! (The timing needed adjusting)

Sometimes, our HUMAN timing gets off a bit and we run a bit rough. Perhaps with a cold or something similar. With the school year starting here, and about to up north, we are making sure our tool box is ready so we can get our things adjusted and get back on the track as soon as possible.

Not really where I keep these. :-)

Our "tool box" may look a bit different than yours, but we find that our Human Engines runs much better with these products. We get side BENEFITS, instead of side effects.

Our '89 Formula 350

If you've got the Drive, we've got the Vehicle!

The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers about healthy weight loss & healthful living. Find out what it is really like to live a healthy life, by reading about our company. You’ll get the latest in healthy weight loss and health information, Grease Monkey Marketing promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story about the idea, after all, this site is just for you. You can subscribe to a weekly email newsletter by visiting ourSmart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

When things don't go as planned.

We all know things don't always go as planned. We've crossed all the t's, dotted all the i's and yet, when we get to the track something goes wrong. Tonight, our neighbor is rebuilding his engine at the track and without a team.

Our bodies are the same, even though we are careful to follow the guidelines, its difficult to get those 7-9 servings of produce every day on our tight schedules. When our bodies don't receive the proper nutrition on a regular basis, then things begin to go wrong.  It may appear that we are ready for the race, until we pull up to stage and something fails.

I'd like to look at this scenario for the next few weeks.

Next week I will cover the Daily Driver Checklist.

If you've got the Drive, We've got the Vehicle.

The Healthy Grease Monkey is a project by Tess Brennan dedicated to writing useful blog posts for consumers about healthy weight loss & healthful living. Find out what it is really like to live a healthy life, by reading about our company. You’ll get the latest in healthy weight loss and health information, Grease Monkey Marketing promotes sound nutrition, ways to improve your success and a little bit of humor.

If you have topic ideas, feel free to request a story about the idea, after all, this site is just for you. You can subscribe to a weekly email newsletter by visiting ourSmart Grease Monkey website and entering your email in the subscription area on the right pane of the web page or by adding us to your reader by subscribing to this blog.